Buxton Festival Fringe needs you!

The Fringe is a registered charity. Please support us either financially or by volunteering.

Making a one-off donation is a great way to support us. Thank you.


Read on for other ways you can help lighten our load!

Michael Grady

Be a Fringe Friend

Our Friends are an important source of support in safeguarding the future of the fringe. Click this button to find out more... including news of 14 amazing places offering discounts for Fringe Friends!

Be a Fringe Friend

or Send message to Friends.

Be a Volunteer

Volunteering to help the Fringe is not only key to its success but it also provides you with a unique opportunity to make friends and help shape one of the biggest events in Buxton's calendar.

We need people to distribute programmes, write reviews, conduct market research, help with the Fringe Desk, Fringe Sunday, the carnival float and so on. We could do with keen photographers and film-makers to record each Fringe. You can commit to as much or as little work as you can manage but you do become a member of the Fringe Association and entitled to vote at the AGM.

If you wish to volunteer for any of these roles or would like more information please Send message to Stephen Walker, our Fringe chair.

Perhaps you can help with providing accommodation for our Entrants. Many of these are students with unlimited talent and enthusiasm but limited financial resources. Most need a cheap place to stay for a few days, usually just a room with a bed is sufficient. The Fringe Committee has an accommodation list of people who would be willing to welcome some of these into their homes. If you are interested in being on it please Send a message to Entrants' Accommodation

Learn about our Fringe Information Desk opportunities for young people.

Under 16s: Why not join us on our Carnival Float?

See committee member Rob Harrison talking about volunteering opportunities here.

Be a Member of the Committee

This is properly called the Executive Committee. It meets 10 or 11 times a year and is very much a committee where everyone attends regularly and has a job to do outside committee meetings. As we are a charity, full committee members are also Trustees of the charity. If you are interested in becoming a Trustee, you need to read our Constitution.

If you wish to be a committee member - and you can try us out at a meeting before you commit - please Send message to our chair. The committee usually holds meetings in the back room of the friendly Cheshire Cheese pub on the High Street - see About Us for dates. More recently they have been held by Zoom. There are also sub-committees that meet in people's houses or in cafes and we have some committee members who choose not to attend the monthly meetings but are still highly valued for their contribution.

'I joined the Fringe Committee when I first moved to Buxton. It gave me a fantastic social life, and the chance to make a difference. I would recommend it to anyone new or old to the area.' James West.

'I joined the Committee because I love the Fringe and I wanted to get involved. The Fringe committee care deeply about the festival and Buxton - and it's really infectious. There is a strong emphasis on fairness, accessibility and inclusivity, which underpins every decision made.'  Sian Dudley.

Read about one volunteer's experience of joining the Committee and another committee member on how she likes to help as and when.

Be a Supporter

We have a number of supporters who make contributions in different ways, both financial and in kind. Would your company be interested in helping the Fringe and raising its profile at the same time? If so, please contact our chair.

See our current list of supporters.