Support us by becoming a Fringe Friend

Friends' reception

The Fringe is a registered charity run by volunteers. You can support the Fringe by becoming a Fringe Friend.

Click here to fill in our online form...

Join Us

or Send message to Friends.

Note: If you are looking at this during the Fringe itself, you can get your membership card quickly by filling in the form at the back of the printed Fringe programme and handing it into the Fringe Desk in the Pavilion Gardens with cash/cheque payable to Buxton Festival Fringe. The Desk is only open during the Fringe.

As a Fringe Friend, you will have:

And all this for only £15 single/£25 joint membership where two people live at the same address.

Ewe can help too

* NB The 10% discount does NOT apply to tickets that are already concessions, nor for events booked through the Opera House's online booking system, although the discount IS available if you book by telephone or in person. Please show your Friends card when picking up tickets.

** We are tremendously grateful to the following who will give our Fringe Friends a discount during the period of the 2024 Buxton Festival Fringe.  This list will be updated yearly:

'Being a Fringe Friend means a varied year-round programme, not just a bonanza in July. It also gives one an opportunity to meet like-minded people.' Hilary Armitage

'We are deighted to be able to support the wonderful Fringe which adds so much to the Festival, and we look forward to joining Friends events in the future.' Mike and Mary Monaghan