Full information about our events. If you're interested in a particular category simply click on the colour coded links below.
All of the shows are listed here.
Ticket information can be found on each event listing. denotes advanced bookings can be made from the Opera House Box Office 01298 72190 (or online) from early June. Our Tickets page has general advice about ticketing at the Fringe.
Events marked have been suggested by the entrant as generally suitable for family viewing. NB Events in the For Families category tend to be specifically aimed at young people.
Please note that details of performances, including times and dates, may be subject to Late Changes. Numbers in brackets refer to venue numbers (see map)
Comedy Dance Film For Families Music Spoken Word Street Theatre Theatre Visual Arts Other Events
Radio 4's Abi Roberts returns with a 'work in progress' show flicking a V-sign, giving the finger, and showing her arse to the consensus. Sacred cows will be prodded and a finale guaranteed to send you away shouting FREEDOM! 'Incredible one-of-a-kind stand-up... laugh-out-loud humour.' ***** Edinburgh Festivals Magazine. ***** GQ (New Writing)
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 16 & 18 Jul 8:30pm to 9:30pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
ABSOLUTE IMPROV! - To Be Continued...
Edinburgh Fringe sell-out show since 2013 returns for more five-star improv comedy fun! Fast-paced, hilarious improv sketches based on your suggestions.
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 14 Jul 10:30pm to 11:20pm, 15 Jul 9:30pm to 10:20pm £8 (Conc £7) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
Do you know how to operate a butter knife safely? Do you know how to minimise injury from an unsupervised fork? Do you have 'Spoon-Sense'? Health & Safety really has gone mad, courtesy of comedy character Ian Crawford, an adviser from the Steel & Cutlery Manufacturers Association.
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 17 Jul 10pm to 10:50pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
Award-winning comedian Alasdair Beckett-King is legendary, in that there is little historical evidence he exists. But he does exist. Alasdair opens a cabinet of curiosities for his debut solo show. Come and see it, please. 'One to Watch.' Time Out. 'Creative and unconventional.' Leicester Mercury (New Writing)
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 5 Jul 8:30pm to 9:30pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
Fascinating and funny stand-up show where former Detective Sergeant Alfie Moore, and star of Radio 4 comedy It's A Fair Cop, takes you on a thrilling and interactive journey through the art and science of murder investigation. What makes a murderer? And why do they get caught... or not?
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 8 Jul 8:15pm to 9:15pm £9 (Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
2017 NATYS finalists and 2016 London Sketchfest Featured Act, The Monks present comedy sketches based around those famous rules as set out in the Bible. Thou shalt laugh! Or shall thee? 'That rarest of things in comedy, a Christian sketch group.' Time Out. 'Sharp, expertly delivered and hilarious.' The Londonist
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 8 Jul 4pm to 4:50pm, 12 Jul 7:15pm to 8:05pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
With his ferocious dark humour, bold award-winning comedian Amadeus Martin delivers his sharp-witted take on pen pal disputes, old school Lucozade, fundraising and more. Amadeus may occasionally be obscene, so if you're easily offended, be sure to come along. Critic's Choice: Time Out. Comedy Pick: Evening Standard and GQ
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 8 Jul 8:30pm to 9:30pm, 22 Jul 10pm to 11pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
BARREL OF LAUGHS - Underground
Buxton Fringe's very own comedy night returns triumphant. We've left the Old Hall (now a spa?) and moved to the (equally) Old Clubhouse. The finest comedy talent from the UK circuit comes together for three more Friday nights of uncensored, unpredictable fun. Complete sell-out 2006-2016.
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 7, 14 & 21 Jul 8:30pm to 10pm £8 Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Comments
Some people are life's heroes: leading men and women full of swash, buckle and derring-do. Others are happy to hold their jackets. A show about the people who pick up the pieces whilst the main man is busy humping the heroine as the credits roll. 'Sharp and crafty gagsmith.' Chortle
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 14 Jul 7pm to 8pm, 20 Jul 8:30pm to 9:30pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
Bobby Mair is a Canadian comedian, currently writing this blurb. Best known for reading the internet to Julian Assange through a megaphone and trolling Katie Hopkins' chat show by giving his appearance fee to everyone she hates. 'Clearly a brilliant stand up.' Jimmy Carr. 'A bona fide tour de force.' Guardian
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 12 Jul 9:30pm to 10:30pm. Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 14 Jul 10:30pm to 11:30pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
Brain Rinse is an immersive comedy show starring you, the audience. Mike Raffone will invite you to join in with sketches that express the whole gamut of human experience. Love, suicide, Beethoven and much, much more. Interactive, spontaneous and fun. 'Wonderfully played.' Guardian (New Writing)
United Reformed Church – Blue Room (55c) Google Map 20-23 Jul 8:15pm to 9:15pm £8 (Conc £7), Ages 16+ Review
Bookings via Opera House or mike@mikeraffone.com
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments(2)
THE CARROT NAPPERS by Keith Large - Carrot Napper Productions
Oh the lure of the love-shed as out-of-work nightclub bouncer Vinnie Hollis attempts to recover a 17-foot prize carrot. Recently published in print to raise funds for the Stroke Association, this allotment aphrodisiac brings guaranteed laughs and love among the onions. (New Writing)
Lee Wood Hotel (91) Google Map 9 Jul 1pm to 2pm, 5:30pm to 6:30pm £5 (Conc £3), Adult themes Review
Bookings via Opera House or keith.large2@btinternet.com
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments(11)
What if you met your younger self? Stand-up comedy meets time travel! 'Playful, poignant,
painful, sweet, achingly familiar.' Theatreview-org-nz. 'Original, innovative, funny,
profound, a class above.' Dominion Post. 'A joy. Genuinely enjoyable watch.' Kate Copstick. 'Joyous and fun hour.' **** Funny Women. Glastonbury Festival compere. Buxton Comedy Award Nominee. www.charmianhughes.co.uk
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 21 Jul 10:30pm to 11:30pm, 22 Jul 9:30pm to 10:30pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
DARREN WALSH: S'PUN - Darren Walsh
Join Darren (Dave's Joke of the Fringe 2015, BBC iWonder, BBC Presents: Best Of The Edinburgh Festival) for his 2016 Edinburgh Fringe show. **** Sunday Express; **** Edinburgh Festivals Magazine; **** Fringe Explosion. Top Jokes of the 2016 Fringe - Guardian, Telegraph, Mirror and The Scotsman.
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 7 Jul 10:30pm to 11:30pm, 16 Jul 5:30pm to 6:30pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
Mr Grebe is a supply teacher on the verge of existential collapse. His aim? To teach you everything. Witness human snooker balls (physics), tango-with-an-easel (art), a glimpse into the life of loft insulation (psychology) and much more. This show is not for the OFSTED inspectors. But it is for you. (New Writing)
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 7 Jul 7:15pm to 8:15pm, 8 Jul 6:45pm to 7:45pm £7 (Conc £6), Ages 12+ Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
To celebrate over 60 years of Hancock’s Half Hour, written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson, James Hurn – a talented actor and impressionist – will be performing three classic episodes of Hancock’s Half Hour, voicing the entire cast. 'Utterly masterful and quite, quite superb.' Jon Culshaw - impressionist
Pavilion Gardens – Rotunda (33k) Google Map 15 & 22 Jul 5pm to 7pm £10 (Child and Conc £8) Review
Bookings via www.rotundatheatre.com or 07487 228993 Comments
Funny Women Award winner 2016. A whistle-stop musical tour of art history from Da Vinci to Damian Hirst. An engaging and irreverent hour of amusing accents, bizarre characters and 1980s' one-hit wonders. Plus a woman making trumpet noises with her face. 'Harriet will have you howling.' Metro
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 15 Jul 8:30pm to 9:25pm, 16 Jul 10pm to 10:55pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
Multi award-winning comedian Harriet Kemsley is back with her new show. She's supported some of her heroes on their nationwide tours, including Katherine Ryan and Isy Suttie. And she just played the role of Daisy in Jo Brand's Channel 4 sitcom Damned. 'A very funny new stand-up.' Time Out
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 13 Jul 8:30pm to 9:20pm, 15 Jul 10pm to 10:50pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
Australian stand-up Adam Vincent writes for Channel 4’s The Last Leg, was a semi-finalist in NBC’s Last Comic Standing and ‘is undeniably one of the more talented comedians I have seen at the Fringe’. Broadway Baby. **** Chortle. ‘You will feel the laughs the day after.’ The Bullman blog (New Writing)
Green Man Gallery – Ground Floor Gallery (86a) Google Map 16 Jul 6:30pm to 7:30pm £7 (Conc £5), Adult themes, occasional strong language, Ages 16+ Review
Bookings via the Gallery, hello@thegreenmangallery.com or 01298 937375 Comments
Nick has reached 50 and realised that he hasn't been paying attention. Is this why he has reached 50 or is it a fluke? A meandering exploration of life, love, and the tightrope between success and disaster. (New Writing)
United Reformed Church – Blue Room (55c) Google Map 8, 11 & 15, 16 Jul 8pm to 8:45pm £6 (Child and Conc £5) Review
Bookings via Howtogetto50@gmail.com or 07403 657231 Comments(1)
JO D'ARCY: D'ARCEHOLE - The Comedy Agency
Jo D'Arcy got called ALL the names in High School, then went back to teach and got them all again. But none of them are as bad as the names she's called herself. 'Funny bones and a clownish sensibility, a little like a female Rik Mayall.' Bruce Dessau, Evening Standard
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 11 & 18 Jul 10pm to 10:55pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
Debut show from English Comedian of the Year 2016, who 'finds laughs in unusual places' (Chortle). Just back from previews in Adelaide and Perth, catch this comedian-to-watch before he takes Edinburgh by storm. 'Quirky jokes from a peculiarly offbeat mind.' Chortle. 'A keen comic mind.' London Evening Standard
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 10 Jul 8:30pm to 9:30pm £7 (Conc £6)
My dog and I have issues. A stand-up/storytelling show about unconditional love, human and canine behaviour and peeing on things. 'Excellent material. Excellent with the audience.' Time Out. 'Stand-up as it should be.' ThreeWeeks. 'Smart and very funny.' Independent. Complete sell-out 2016 Fringe. Contains actual (lovely) dog.
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 21 Jul 5:30pm to 6:25pm, 22 Jul 4pm to 4:55pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
Join the Comic Sans of Drag, Kate Butch, for an hour of comedy, songs and games. Catch 'a great comedian' (WhatsOnStage) in her debut solo show, fresh from her stints in Buxton Fringe smash-hits The Room: The Musical, That's Slightly Raven and the Underground Venues Box Office. (New Writing)
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 6, 13 & 20 Jul 10pm to 10:55pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
LAZARUS - Luke Martin
Luke was told he'd re-evaluate his life after nearly dying. Dissatisfied with the result, he's taken to the road to find some meaning in his near-fatal illness, whilst discussing Little Mix, drinking, not drinking and more. £1 from every ticket goes to War Child to support children in conflict zones. (New Writing)
Burbage Institute, Nursery Lane, Buxton SK17 6UL (53) Google Map 15 Jul 6:30pm to 8pm £4, Strong language, adult themes, Ages 18+
Bookings via Opera House or lukeattruro@hotmail.com
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
1934. Devon. Six old friends. Exposition: a small get-together at the household of Lord and Lady Titan, Drenchblood Heights. A murder mystery party. It promises to be the night of their lives.
Live score by Nick Charlesworth. Best Show finalists – Barry Awards. Free Theatre Award 2016 winners – GW&SM, Brighton Fringe. (New Writing)
Green Man Gallery – Ground Floor Gallery (86a) Google Map 8 Jul 6pm to 7pm £6 (Conc £5), Strong language, Ages 16+ Review
Bookings via the Gallery, hello@thegreenmangallery.com or 01298 937375 Comments
Maisie Adam is a young Yorkshire lass attempting to be 'adult' in the big wide world. Surviving the classic faux-pas of a Brit abroad, navigating playground politics and exploring the mystery that is Theresa May's posture, Maisie is Living on the Edge. Winner of 2015 Laurence Marks Comedy Writing Award.
(New Writing)
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 12 Jul 8:30pm to 9:30pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
NATHAN CASSIDY: THE MAN IN THE ARENA - The Rat Pack Productions Ltd/Nathan Cassidy
Individual Comedy Award winner Buxton Fringe 2014 (nominated 2015 and 2016) explores bravery in a volatile world. Do one thing every day that scares you. It is not the critic that counts, it's the man in the arena. 'A great comedian.' **** Broadway Baby. 'Eye-wateringly funny.' Buxton Fringe Review. www.nathancassidy.com/arena
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 8 Jul 10pm to 10:55pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
Spencer Percival has one claim to fame. He's the only Prime Minister ever to be assassinated. Unfortunately no one's ever heard of him. 205 years later, Nick Hall tries to tell his story. As seen on BBC Two, BBC Three and Radio 4. 'Brilliant.' Times
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 8 Jul 5:30pm to 6:25pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
PUNEL SHOW - Darren Walsh & Mark Simmons
Ever pundered what shows like QI would be like if they were based on puns? Darren Walsh and Mark Simmons join forces to present the PUNel Show: an experimental mock-up TV pilot focused on puns and general silliness. Special guests to be announced for each day. ***** Bunbury Magazine
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 9 & 16 Jul 12:45pm to 1:45pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
Richard Carpenter was on top of the world looking down on creation, to the left of (slightly behind) Karen. Now he's back, playing solitaire. Get your ticket to ride for this razor-sharp parody of the ultimate piano-player, written and performed by Matthew Floyd Jones, the piano-player from Frisky & Mannish. (New Writing)
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 6 Jul 8:30pm to 9:30pm, 15 Jul 7pm to 8pm £9 (Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
Stand-up/wordplay from the 2014-17 UK Pun Championships finalist. 'Richard’s experience shone through as he delivered a series of solid, top quality puns.' Gigglebeats. 'Delivered a number of puns I wish I had thought of myself.' Gary Delaney. ‘Ruthlessly economic nuggets'. Guardian. 'Strong material'. Chortle. Interact via #PhrasesReady. (New Writing)
Pavilion Gardens – Rotunda (33k) Google Map 9 & 12 Jul 9pm to 10pm £6, Ages 16+ Review
Bookings via www.rotundatheatre.com or 07487 228993 Comments
SAJEELA KERSHI: FIGHTS LIKE A GIRL - Invisible Women/Sajeela Kershi
'My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style.' Maya Angelo. Hilarious multicultural comedy from a multi award-winning comedian! Put up your dukes and go see this show! **** BroadwayBaby. **** ThreeWeeks (New Writing)
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 22 Jul 8:30pm to 9:30pm, 23 Jul 5:30pm to 6:30pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
Stuart Laws ('a brilliant semi-surrealist stand-up' **** Fest) and Annie McGrath (Dave's Top Ten Funniest Jokes of the Fringe 2016) join up for a hilarious stand-up double-bill. Stuart has been on Radio 4 and supported James Acaster on tour; Annie has appeared on ITV2, Channel 4 and Radio 4. (New Writing)
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 7 Jul 10:30pm to 11:30pm, 8 Jul 9:45pm to 10:45pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
Twonkey's conniving manager has sent him to the Iquitos Fringe for Christmas. Will he survive his journey through the Hallucinogenic Peruvian jungle? Winner of the 2016 Malcolm Hardee Award for Comic Originality. 'Dark demented comedy.' ***** The Stage. 'The thing is: it's brilliant.' **** Broadway Baby
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 21 Jul 7pm to 8pm, 22 Jul 5:30pm to 6:30pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
BUXTON DAY OF DANCE - Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men
A feast of traditional dancing from around the country. The streets of Buxton will be filled with the music, colour, passion, energy and humour that the Morris brings. Over 150 dancers and musicians from 16 different Morris sides hosted by Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris Men.
Around the Town (47) 15 Jul 10:30am to 4:30pm Free Review Comments
LETTERS IN THE RAIN... - Paulette Mae
In this low-fi solo, wet feet, the rain in love, an immortal jellyfish, earth, and a waterworld rising dance, sing and talk weather with you in a surreal, intimate and visceral multi-art performance. (New Writing)
Green Man Gallery – Workshop Room (86b) Google Map 10 & 12 Jul 1:30pm to 2:20pm £6 (Child and Conc £5), Ages 14+ Review
Bookings via the Gallery, hello@thegreenmangallery.com or 01298 937375 Comments(1)
LOS NACIMIENTOS - dotdotdot dance
An exciting new collaboration between composer Tom Randle and the electrifying, Buxton Fringe Award winners dotdotdot dance company in a celebration of the work of the Nobel prize-winning Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. This new song cycle features acclaimed soprano Gillian Keith, and pianist John Reid. Part of Buxton International Festival.
(New Writing)
Arts Centre – Auditorium (74b) Google Map 15 & 22 Jul 7:30pm to 8:30pm £15 Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments(1)
A NIGHT IN HAVANA - Wallflower Dance
Join the fiesta and let Wallflower Dance take you to Cuba! Enjoy authentic tapas, live Latino rhythms and dazzling dancing. Soak up the party atmosphere or 'shake your maracas' with the optional beginners' salsa at 8pm, beginners' cha-cha at 9pm followed by live music from Easy Feet at 9.30pm.
South 16 (43) Google Map 13 Jul 6pm to 11:30pm Free Review
Further information: Event free, dance class £5 (Child and Conc £4) Comments
Buxton Film screens full-length feature films throughout the year - for the Fringe it brings something different: a selection of short films - selected by BAFTA. Quality guaranteed. We promise an eclectic mix that may excite and disturb! (New Writing)
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 23 Jul 5:15pm to 6:45pm £5 Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Comments
WORKING WITH PINTER - Grist To the Mill Productions Ltd
A special screening of Harry Burton's acclaimed film Working With Pinter made in the great playwright's 75th year with a live introduction and Q&A session with Burton himself, giving his very personal insights on working with one of our most fascinating playwrights.
Pavilion Gardens – Rotunda (33k) Google Map 9 Jul 3pm to 4:30pm £10 (Child and Conc £8)
THE BOY WHO GREW WINGS - Whispering Woods
An enchanting piece of circus theatre for all ages. Watch aerial acrobats soar through the woods and be immersed in this unique experience as the story unfolds. (New Writing)
Poole's Cavern (34a) Google Map 8 Jul 6pm to 7:15pm, 8pm to 9:15pm £12 (Child £6, Conc £8), Ages 4+ (Under 4s free admission) Review
Bookings via www.whisperingwoods.org.uk Comments
DOGS DON'T DO BALLET - Blunderbus Theatre Company
Biff doesn’t do dog stuff like weeing on lampposts, scratching his fleas, or drinking out of the toilet. Biff likes moonlight, music and walking on his tiptoes. Biff doesn't think he's a dog but a ballerina!
Based on the bestselling children's book by Anna Kemp and Sara Ogilvie.
Pavilion Gardens – Rotunda (33k) Google Map 16 Jul 11:30am to 12:30pm, 1:30pm to 2:30pm £10 (Child and Conc £8), Ages 3-7
Beware Dr Ferret and his gang! The doctor and his singers are out to find out just how mischievous today’s children really are. Inspired by Hilaire Belloc’s classic Cautionary Tales, Dr Ferret tells the stories of Matilda, Henry King and George...
Arts Centre – Auditorium (74b) Google Map 16 Jul 5pm to 6pm £8 (Child and Conc £6), Ages 8+ Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
Your table will be the stage for the amazing, family-friendly, close-up magic of the High Peak Magic Society members. Cards, coins, rings and ropes all feature in the magic, and hold on to your watches as these guys move from table to table performing mystifying, sleight of hand miracles.
The Palace Hotel – High Peak Room (32a) Google Map 19, 20 Jul 7:30pm to 10:30pm £12.50, Ages 8+ Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments(1)
Join Julian, Dick, George, Anne and their dog Timmy once again, as they try to thwart their treacherous Uncle Quentin. The award-winning Buxton Fringe favourite returns: a spiffing, rip-roaring hoot of an adventure for all of the family - with lashings of ginger beer! Sell-out show Buxton Fringe 2007-2010.
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 15, 16 & 22 Jul 11:15am to 12:05pm, 23 Jul 1pm to 1:50pm £8 (Child £5, Conc £7), Ages 5+
GRANDAD MAX'S SHED - Sweet Cheek Productions Ltd
Join Grandad Max in this fun, action-packed show. With lots of singing, dancing and activities, this is a show that children will not want to end. (New Writing)
Buxton Library (05) Google Map 15 Jul 10:50am to 11:35am, noon to 12:45pm £5, Ages 18 months - 4 years
PRINCESS IDA - PB Theatricals Youth Theatre
The first act of Gilbert and Sullivan's comic operetta, Princess Ida, performed by a group of talented young local performers aged between 18 and 30.
Pavilion Gardens (33) Google Map 21 Jul noon to 1pm. Green Man Gallery (86) Google Map 21 Jul 8pm to 9pm £7 (Child £5, Conc £6), Ages All Review
Bookings via the Gallery, hello@thegreenmangallery.com or 01298 937375 Comments(1)
ST LUKE'S SINGS - St Luke's CE Primary School
St Luke's School choir and dance group will be travelling from Glossop just to entertain you. Choose a song or a dance from their Human Jukebox and stand back! It couldn't be simpler or more delightful.
Buxton Opera House Forecourt (08) Google Map 20 Jul 1pm to 2pm Free Review Comments
STICKY ENDS - Brave Bold Drama
'Don't do this! Don't do that! Don't suck your thumb or tease the cat! If you do, my little friend, you'll come to a Sticky End!' Brand new cautionary tales told with puppets and song. Winners: Best Children's Show award, Shaftesbury Fringe 2016. Bristol Life Awards Arts & Education Finalists 2017. (New Writing)
Scrivener's Bookshop (11) Google Map 15 Jul 11am to 11:30am, noon to 12:30pm, 2pm to 2:30pm, 3pm to 3:30pm, 4pm to 4:30pm. Green Man Gallery – Ground Floor Gallery (86a) Google Map 16 Jul 11am to 11:30am, noon to 12:30pm, 2pm to 2:30pm, 3pm to 3:30pm, Audiences are invited to pay a donation, Ages 3+ Review
Bookings via bravebolddrama@gmail.com Comments
Join our artists and make your own menagerie of tiny creatures, from mini-mammoths to palm crocodiles and hand rabbits. We provide the materials, you bring the smiles and wild ideas. Tiny! activities are always fun and are back for their sixth year of liveliness!
Pavilion Gardens – Old Bowling Green (33e) Google Map 16 Jul 11am to 1pm, 2pm to 4pm Free, Ages 2+ Comments
100 YOUNG MUSICIANS SET TO WOW BUXTON - Nottingham Music Service
Nottingham’s Robin Hood Youth Orchestra will join forces with their counterparts from Karlsruhe, Germany in a fantastic concert, featuring a diverse repertoire of classical, film and popular music. They’ll be performing at the bandstand at 5pm but keep your eyes peeled and your ears tuned for pop-up performances all around town!
Pavilion Gardens – Bandstand (33a) Google Map 15 Jul 5pm to 7pm Free Review Comments(1)
ACAPPELLA AND CAKE - Ordsall Acappella Singers
We are delighted to be coming to Buxton again for a seventh year. Do come and join us for an hour of our close harmony singing. We offer a varied repertoire, a lot of friendliness and warmth and as usual - homemade cake. We love singing.
United Reformed Church – Purple Room: Church (55a) Google Map 15 Jul 11am to 1pm. St Mary's Church (41) Google Map 15 Jul 3pm to 5pm £5 (Child and Conc £3) Review
Bookings via 07778 866661 or http://www.ticketsource.co.uk/event/167740 Comments
Performing a mixture of traditional and contemporary folk, Raintown Seers tell the stories that lie behind the songs and their origins. The stories in turn link each song to the next, and to the people, places and history of the Peak District. 'Great arrangements and strong vocals.' Buxton Fringe Review
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 7, 8, 12 & 18 Jul 2:30pm to 3:30pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
AMORE! - City of Manchester Opera
An evening concert highlighting beautiful music associated with all things Amore! Music ranging from Verdi to Bernstein including Aida, Candide, La Traviata, Les Misérables and many, many more - just sit back and enjoy!
Buxton Methodist Church – Church (06a) Google Map 15 Jul 7:30pm to 9:30pm £10 (Child £8, Conc £9), Ages 5+ Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
Angels of the North, Enkelit, are extraordinary singers of extraordinary Finnish music. Their songs are contemporary, but steeped in traditional folk music and folklore. Heartfelt laments are interspersed with ancient stories, spells and incantations and wry humour. Let them transport you to the beauty of the Scandinavian landscape. www.enkelit.org.uk
Buxton Methodist Church – Church (06a) Google Map 13 Jul 8pm to 9pm, 14 Jul 4pm to 5pm, 15 Jul 12:30pm to 1:30pm, 16 Jul 2pm to 3pm £5 (Child Free, Conc £3.50) Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments(2)
Jazz vocalist Annette Gregory will be celebrating jazz icon Ella Fitzgerald. Annette will be covering some of Ella's best known songs with reference to the song books.
This will be a lovely evening celebrating jazz music.
Green Man Gallery (86) Google Map 7 Jul 7:30pm to 9:30pm £9 (Child and Conc £7.50) Review
Bookings via the Gallery, hello@thegreenmangallery.com or 01298 937375 Comments
Following a hugely successful and fantastic refugee benefit gig in New Mills in February, here is a chance for Buxton audiences to dance and listen to these bands. Supporting the Hummingbird Project in Buxton. (New Writing)
The Palace Hotel – High Peak Room (32a) Google Map 22 Jul 7:30pm to 11:30pm £15 (Child and Conc £13), Children must be accompanied by responsible adult Review
Bookings via Opera House or rebecca.harman72@hotmail.com
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
This year award-winning ensemble Partita presents two lunchtime concerts. Each will have Partita's usual variety of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music played on lutes, renaissance and baroque guitars, vihuela, harp, harpsichord, recorders, viols and with the two wonderful voices of Sasha Johnson Manning and Holly Marland.
Buxton Methodist Church – Church (06a) Google Map 12 & 20 Jul 1pm to 2:20pm £10 (Child and Conc £8) Review
Tickets on the door. Comments
A lively night of entertainment not to be missed. Nominees at the Fringe Awards for the last two years, Herding Catz offers a mix of classic blues and other material in an original format creating an atmosphere of engaging energy. herdingcatzbluesband.com (New Writing)
The Palace Hotel – Chatsworth Room (32d) Google Map 8 & 15 Jul 9pm to 11pm £10 (Child and Conc £8), Ages 12+ Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
Seven nights of live music from the best bands and performers in the region. 6th - Sling; 7th - Octofunk; 12th - Bryn's Open Mic Night; 13th - Honeyfeet Trio; 14th - Liam Mclair; 20th - Tom Blackwell; 21st - Andchuck.
Jazz, blues, folk, funk and every combination thereof!
The Buxton Tap House (23) Google Map 6, 7, 12-14 & 20, 21 Jul 9:30pm to 11:30pm Free Review
Further information: sam@buxtontaphouse.co.uk or 01298 214085 Comments
To mark the centenary of the opening of St Mary’s Church, Simon Mercer will perform music composed mostly by British composers who were working in 1917; with a few added lollipops!
St Mary's Church (41) Google Map 9 Jul 4pm to 5pm £8 (Child £4) Review
Tickets on the door. Comments
CLOSE HARMONY CLASSICS - Close Enough - Barbershop Singers
Four former Oxford choral scholars form a fearsome foursome, singing fun, four-part harmonies in this family-friendly event including Coney Island Baby and Hello Dolly. They're feisty; they're flamboyant; they sing close harmony and they’re Close Enough!
Scrivener's Bookshop (11) Google Map 8 Jul 5pm to 6pm. Green Man Gallery (86) Google Map 8 Jul 8pm to 9pm £5, Ages 3+
Bookings via in person at the gallery, 01298 937375 or hello@thegreenmangallery.com Comments
Four former Oxford choral scholars form a fearsome foursome, singing fun four-part harmonies including My Evaline and Loch Lomond.
They're feisty; they're flamboyant; they sing close harmony and they’re Close Enough!
The Cheshire Cheese (93) Google Map 7 Jul 9pm to 10:30pm Free Review
Further information: closeenoughbarbershop@gmail.com Comments
Dale won Buxton Fringe Solo Musician 2015. He has been continuously touring the UK and Europe winning over a legion of fans overwhelmed by his mastery of New Orleans piano and vocals. His performances appeal to New Orleans, jazz, blues, classical, boogie and stride aficionados alike. www.dalestorr.com
Hydro Restaurant and Bar (22) Google Map 8 Jul 8pm to 10:30pm £10 (Child Free, Conc £5) Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
DAPHNIS DUO - Alice Kirwan & Holly Melia
Harpist Alice Kirwan (Solo Instrumental Fringe Award winner 2016) returns with flautist Holly Melia to perform a varied programme of dynamic flute and harp music. From recognisable favourites such as Massenet's Meditation to exciting new music by Andy Scott, this is a rare musical treat. 'A tremendous performance.' Buxton Fringe Review
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 9 Jul 5:30pm to 6:20pm, 11 Jul 1pm to 1:50pm £8 (Conc £7) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
Entertaining, inspirational Buxton-favourite Darren Poyzer presents a series of concerts with special guests, featuring his most popular songs and stories from 30 years in the profession, appearing at prestigious festivals and theatres across the UK. Expect passionate, poetic anthems and cutting-edge love songs. 'One of my Fringe highlights.' Fringe Review
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 9 Jul 2:15pm to 3:30pm, 12 Jul 4pm to 5:15pm, 23 Jul 2:15pm to 3:30pm £8 (Conc £7) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
A new show from 2016's Small Group Fringe Award winner. Original music, humour, poignancy. Someone strange is found in the road, singing God came down to the Railway Station Bar, Tender, Small Town Knocking Shop Tango. Is it a stag party victim or a lunatic? 'A life-affirming noise!' Fringe Review (New Writing)
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 8, 12, 15 & 19 Jul 1pm to 2pm £8 (Conc £7) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
AN EVENING WITH AFRICA'S LADY OF SONG - Margaret Ferguson, acc. by Jonathan Ellis
Enjoy another evening of opera, oratorio, lieder, plus songs from shows and musicals. Presented with the usual humour, surprises, warmth and feeling. Enjoy the outstanding voice of Margaret Ferguson, 'The Voice with a Personality'. www.AfricanSoprano.com
Buxton Methodist Church – Church (06a) Google Map 14 Jul 7:30pm to 9:30pm £10 (Child Free, Conc £8) Review
Bookings via Opera House or david_bedford@wcg.org.uk or 07757 783277
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
Once again this innovative and versatile award-winning saxophone ensemble is returning to Buxton. Performing an exciting programme of music from the Renaissance to the present day.
Broadening most people's preconceived ideas of saxophone music and demonstrating the individual qualities of the different members of the saxophone family. (New Writing)
Buxton Methodist Church – Church (06a) Google Map 12 Jul 8pm to 10pm £8 (Child and Conc £6) Review
Bookings via Opera House or m.dale@tiscali.co.uk
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
FATHERS OF THE BAROQUE - The Eisenach Ensemble
The Eisenach Ensemble performs vocal duets and solos by Monteverdi, Handel, Bach and Telemann including Zefiro Torno, Sheep May Safely Graze and Handel's Italian duets. Cate McKee is joined by soprano Angela Hicks, who also sings with The Monteverdi Choir, Ex Cathedra and Joglaresa, and has performed with Dame Emma Kirkby.
Eyam Parish Church (97) Google Map 16 Jul 3pm to 5pm £10 (Child Free, Conc £8), Ages 8+ Review
Bookings via Opera House or sue@pierssnell.force9.co.uk or 07938 916976
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
A recital of phantasmagorical piano duos by Russian and French composers including Ravel's Mother Goose, Saint-Saëns' Carnival of the Animals and the Finale of Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade. 'How wonderful to hear this music making its way through the building... The audience left reluctantly - delighted and happy.' Buxton Fringe Review
United Reformed Church – Green Room: Hall (55b) Google Map 22 Jul 5:30pm to 6:30pm £9 (Child £5, Conc £7) Review
Bookings via Opera House or mariannejkelly@gmail.com
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
An original musical adaptation featuring music from Jane Austen's manuscripts and the era, chamber orchestra, Regency costumes, and world-champion Irish dancers! ‘No “persuasion” needed to see this treat for the eyes and ears...astounding!’ Isle of Wight Press. ‘Perfect synchronicity… this production ticks every box.’ **** Broadway Baby, 2015 Edinburgh Festival Fringe
Art Theatre, New Mills (105) Google Map 16 Jul 7:30pm to 10pm £10 (Child and Conc £8) Review
Bookings via Opera House or www.arttheatre.co.uk
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
KALEIDOSCOPE WITH A HINT OF AFRICA - Kaleidoscope Community Choir
The ever-popular Kaleidoscope Community Choir returns for an hour of joyful singing under the direction of Carol Bowns. Expect an African flavour to some of their songs, plus old favourites and some new surprises in a concert that will have you wanting to join in! A Buxton International Festival event.
Buxton Methodist Church – Church (06a) Google Map 11 Jul 1pm to 2pm £3.50 Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
Diabolical fiddle virtuosity from international star Adam Summerhayes, outrageous brilliance from world number one recorder genius Piers Adams, horrifyingly high-ABV insanity from accordion master Murray Grainger, positively evil power from bass legend Malcolm Creese and dazzling bodhran playing from multi award-winning king of folk percussion, Cormac Byrne.
Arts Centre – Auditorium (74b) Google Map 11 Jul 1:30pm to 2:30pm £10 (Child £8) Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
Composed hundreds of years ago by a Neapolitan, La Zingarella has only just been discovered and adapted for modern audiences with Italian singing and English dialogues. The first half features a mini concert: Bach Air on the G String, Pachelbel Canon and Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. (New Writing)
St Mary's Church (41) Google Map 14 Jul 7:30pm to 9:15pm £10 (Child £5, Conc £8), Ages 5+ Review
Bookings via Opera House or stephenelleryconductor.co.uk
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
Once again Club Acoustic is proud to present a feast of outstanding local musical talent in a showcase of acts from the wide and varied range of our regular performers. A Fringe regular and past winner of the Spirit of the Fringe Award. Free entry, no tickets. Come along!
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 19 Jul 8pm to 11pm Free Review Comments
LOVE, NATURE & SHAKESPEARE - Sue Morgan & Espérance: Clare Devine/Stewart McCoy
Sue, Clare and Stewart perform an eclectic mix of lute songs and other soprano arias from Renaissance to Romantics and beyond, most songs inspired by words from the Bard. A festival of musical styles including Dowland, Johnson, Schubert, Mozart and Gurney. What a delightful way to spend an hour!
Buxton Methodist Church – Church (06a) Google Map 16 Jul 5pm to 6pm £6 (Child and Conc £4) Review
Bookings via Opera House or 07713 264928
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
MIXED CHAMBER DELIGHTS - Cheshire Chamber Collective
Last year's Large Ensemble Fringe award winners returns with more chamber music for mixed strings and winds, featuring Schubert's mighty octet and other works. Experienced chamber musicians from Cheshire Sinfonia and Quodlibet Winds entertain.
Buxton Methodist Church – Church (06a) Google Map 11 Jul 8pm to 10pm £8 (Child Free, Conc £5) Review
Bookings via 07525 765142 Comments
A MOOD ECLECTIC - Basin Street Jazz and Blues
Return to the Fringe of the popular, acclaimed quintet exploring a wide range of contemporary blues covers, jazz standards and original numbers. 'A great evening to remember'. Vocals, saxophone, piano, guitar and double bass.
The Palace Hotel – High Peak Room (32a) Google Map 9 & 16 Jul 8pm to 10:30pm £10 (Child and Conc £8) Review
Bookings via Opera House or brian.lightowler@tesco.net
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
MUHA offers a new tradition in contemporary Eastern European music, influenced by the multicultural society in the UK. A mesmerising collection of songs performed in Russian and Ukrainian with a mix of Hindu and Punjab, and featuring rhythm guitar, hurdy-gurdy, berimbao, harmonica, solo guitar, bass and percussion.
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 13 Jul 2:30pm to 3:30pm, 22 Jul 1pm to 2pm £8 (Conc £7) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(2)
MUSIC FROM THE PEAKS - Peak District Music Centres
Concert featuring the award-winning Peak District String Orchestra and the Peak District Big Band celebrating the achievements of our talented young musicians. Enjoy music of an incredibly high standard and help support your local music centres.
Previous reviews: 'Assured, convincing and gripping... Outstanding... such maturity and depth of feeling.'
St John's Church (40) Google Map 7 Jul 7:30pm to 9:30pm £8 (Child Free, Conc £6) Review
Tickets on the door. Comments
NEW ORLEANS INSPIRED JAZZ - Mart Rodger Manchester Jazz
Clarinettist Mart Rodger visited New Orleans years ago and his life and music have never been the same again. His band may be veterans but there is plenty of fire and passion in their music. These performances will be richly enjoyable and entertaining.
Conservative Club (79) Google Map 7, 14 & 21 Jul 8pm to 10:30pm £8 (Child Free), Ages 10+ Review
Bookings via Opera House or jazzmart@manchesterjazz.co.uk
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
ORCHESTRAL CONCERT - High Peak Orchestra
An exciting programme including: Humperdinck's Hansel and Gretel Overture; Prokofiev's Violin Concerto No.1 with soloist Iona McDonald, currently studying at the Royal Academy of Music, London; Franck's Symphony in D Minor. Conducted by David Chatwin. Proceeds from this concert will support The Samaritans.
St John's Church (40) Google Map 8 Jul 7:30pm to 9:30pm £10 (Child Free, Conc £8) Review
Bookings via Opera House or Rosemary 07930 975807
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
PIANO RECITAL - Jonathan Ellis
A perennial favourite returns to the festival with another piano recital, including works by Mozart, Schubert and Schumann!
Buxton Methodist Church – Church (06a) Google Map 22 Jul 7:30pm to 9:30pm £10 (Child Free) Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
Ukrainian-born pianist Dinara Klinton has been described as 'a real virtuoso, a very natural player'. A prize-winner in many international competitions, she will be playing Beethoven's Sonata No 28 and Liszt’s Transcendental Études 1-4, 9 and 10, which she recorded for her second CD - given ***** by BBC Music Magazine.
Arts Centre – Auditorium (74b) Google Map 19 Jul 1:30pm to 2:30pm £10 (Child £8) Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
THE REUNION PROJECT - Lizzie Ball & The James Pearson Trio
Violinist and vocalist Lizzie Ball returns to Buxton with long-time collaborator, Ronnie Scott’s artistic director and pianist James Pearson and his acclaimed trio, with a concert paying tribute to the 1973 album The Reunion by Stephane Grappelli and George Shearing. This performance is also part of the Buxton International Festival.
Arts Centre – Auditorium (74b) Google Map 14 Jul 7:30pm to 9:30pm £20
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
Contemporary jazz from the renowned Chilean saxophonist and composer, encompassing styles from gypsy jazz, to funk and modern jazz. Club regulars, the Ricardo Alvarez Quartet presents standards such as Miles Davis' So What and John Coltrane's Impressions, as well as Ricardo's own Suite Tirarina, inspired by the culture of Chile.
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 9 Jul 4pm to 5pm £9 (Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
In a very special collaboration for the Fringe, Folktronica artist Richard Navarro meets the uplifting sounds of a 40-piece choir of local voices.
Spellbinding stories from the songwriter's home county of Kent are brought to life through infectious rhythms, multi-instrumental wizardry, soaring vocals and double bass.
(New Writing)
Trinity Church (45) Google Map 8 Jul 7:30pm to 9:30pm £10 (Child and Conc £6)
An intimate recital of modern classical guitar music by Richard Haslam, a post-graduate student at the Royal Northern College of Music. The programme of music from Great Britain and Cuba contains musical elements from a variety of genres: folk, pop, minimalism, impressionism and traditional Indian music. Featuring compositions by Anderson, Maxwell-Davies and Brouwer.
Green Man Gallery – Ground Floor Gallery (86a) Google Map 15 Jul 6:30pm to 7:30pm £7 (Child £4, Conc £5) Review
Bookings via richardhaslam.guitar@gmail.com, at the Gallery, hello@thegreenmangallery.com or 01298 937375 Comments
SAM DUNKLEY - Performing Arts Etc Ltd
The perennial Fringe favourite and Music Award winner returns for his eighth Buxton Fringe (!) with his much-loved blend of songs, witty repartee and tall tales. Equally at home with traditional folk songs, self-penned numbers and humorous offerings, this is a show not to miss.
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 16 & 23 Jul 4pm to 4:45pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
A concert of varied music from opera to popular, presented with humour and fun by a quartet of classically trained singers.
Buxton Methodist Church – Church (06a) Google Map 21 Jul 7:30pm to 10pm £10 (Child and Conc £8), Ages 5+ Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
SONGS OF FOOD AND AGONY - The Jay Rayner Quartet
The renowned restaurant critic, MasterChef judge and presenter of Radio 4’s The Kitchen Cabinet has one other skill. He’s also a jazz pianist. Now Jay brings an ensemble of top-flight musicians to the Buxton International Festival and Fringe, performing tunes from the Great American food and drink songbook alongside colourful anecdotes.
Arts Centre – Auditorium (74b) Google Map 21 Jul 7:30pm to 9pm £20
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
SOUND SCAPE - KEMS Contemporary
Come and experience an ever-changing landscape of sound as the musicians (and audience) move round nine sculptures representing natural objects!
Developed with the assistance of a bursary from the Artists' Network, Sound Scape is an art-in-nature installation by sculptor Lorna Green with music by Julia Harding.
University of Derby Buxton – Dome (04c) Google Map 19 Jul 8:15pm to 9pm £5 (Child £1, Conc £4.50) Review
Bookings via www.kems.org.uk or 01625 617154 Comments
At the heart of Africa Entsha's unique all-singing, all-dancing performances are Zulu songs, full of rhythm, style and spirit.
Pavilion Gardens – Rotunda (33k) Google Map 5, 6 & 19 Jul 7:30pm to 8:30pm, 20, 21 Jul 9pm to 10pm £15 (Child and Conc £10)
STORIES SUNG - Drowsy Sleepers
We will be singing some of our favourite folk songs, old and new. We've chosen these songs because of the stories they tell: stories on the recurring themes of love, death, work and war. Come and join Drowsy Sleepers and share in the tradition of storytelling through song.
Green Man Gallery (86) Google Map 14 Jul 8:30pm to 9:30pm £5 (Child Free) Review
Bookings via the Gallery, hello@thegreenmangallery.com or 01298 937375 Comments(1)
SUMMER CONCERT - Manchester Recorder Orchestra
Returning for the 18th time to the usual venue in their 35th anniversary year, this large recorder group is offering an exciting and wide-ranging programme of music including a brand new commission. You can be sure of an entertaining and enjoyable evening. (New Writing)
Trinity Church (45) Google Map 15 Jul 7:30pm to 9:30pm £8 (Child Free, Conc £7), Ages 8+ Review
Tickets on the door. Comments
SUMMER SHOWCASE - Buxton Studio Choir
'We're coming up... so you'd better get this party started!' A fun evening full of fabulous songs showcasing a varied selection of contemporary music performed by the 60-strong choir, smaller ensembles and guest performers. For more information contact jantgalloway@yahoo.co.uk
St John's Church (40) Google Map 15 Jul 7:30pm to 9pm £5 (Child £3), Ages 8+ Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments(3)
TANGO & RUMBANGO! FLUTE & PIANO RECITAL - Rachel Johnson & Jemima Palfreyman
Rachel and Jemima, previous Fringe Award-winners, return to Buxton with a summery programme of Latin American and jazz-inspired music for flute and piano, including Mike Mower's Sonata Latino and Piazzolla's Histoire du Tango - guaranteed to get your toes tapping!
Buxton Methodist Church – Church (06a) Google Map 13 Jul 1pm to 2pm £5 (Child Free) Review
Tickets on the door. Comments
Buxton Spoken Words' regulars: Ryan Tomlinson, Karl Largan, Les Oldfield, Jill Neves and Derek Baker present an entertaining and varied programme of poems and short stories, from a story about a prostitute in Roman Buxton to a poignant tale of a fallen soldier. (New Writing)
The Tea Chest (103) Google Map 12 Jul 7:30pm to 8pm Free, Adult themes Review Comments(1)
A dementia ward murder mystery from comic, poet, and psych nurse Rob Gee. Fresh from a sold-out run across Canada. 'Smart, witty and razor-sharp!' ***** Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 'Hilarious and heartbreaking.' ***** Victoria Times. 'Remarkable!' ***** Edmonton Sun. 'Patron's Pick' Winnipeg Fringe. Best Male Solo Show, Victoria Fringe
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 7 & 10 Jul 5:30pm to 6:30pm, 11 Jul 7pm to 8pm £8 (Conc £7) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
THE GLUMMER TWINS - David Harmer and Ray Globe
Stand-up poetry from the Beat Generation. The irrepressible Glummer Twins are back to put the 21st century to rights. Morecambe and Wise meets The Mighty Boosh via John Cooper Clarke. 'Hilarious.' The Skinny. 'They're very funny men, those Glummer Twins.' Fringe Guru. Nominated Fringe Spoken Word Award 2016. Coach parties welcome.
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 9 Jul 8:30pm to 9:30pm, 13 & 20 Jul 1pm to 2pm £7 (Conc £6) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(3)
HEADING FOR THE HILLS - Peter and Gillian Byrom-Smith
The theme of the evening is based around the recent book and CD Heading for the Hills, both of which explore the inspiration of nature in music and poetry. Featuring poetry, music on classical guitar, plus many anecdotes, this truly is a case of tales in words and music. (New Writing)
Green Man Gallery – Ground Floor Gallery (86a) Google Map 9 Jul 7pm to 9pm £5 (Child and Conc £3) Review
Bookings via the Gallery, hello@thegreenmangallery.com or 01298 937375 Comments(1)
A live recording of the UK's most popular daily history podcast. Tales of obscure historical events rub shoulders with their more celebrated counterparts to prove that something worth remembering happened on every day of the year. 'Quirky, cool…not to be missed'. Times Educational Supplement. 'An excellent storyteller'. Fringe Review. (New Writing)
Scrivener's Bookshop (11) Google Map 8 Jul 11am to noon, 9 Jul 12:30pm to 1:30pm Free, Limited space - 12 tickets only per show Review
Further information: tickets@historypod.net Comments(4)
Exhausted by struggling to be perfect? Wish you could be better? This talk redefines 'perfect' for humans and explores the balance between being happy as we are and striving to improve. Stand-up psychology to reassure, liberate and empower a 21st-century audience. Expect a few laughs and lots of light-bulbs. www.howtobeperfect.co.uk
Green Man Gallery – Workshop Room (86b) Google Map 5 Jul 7pm to 8pm, 8 & 16 Jul 2:30pm to 3:30pm £5 Review
Bookings via the Gallery, hello@thegreenmangallery.com or 01298 937375 Comments(1)
LOVE & COFFEE - Bryce Main
A reading by author Bryce Main from his debut book Love & Coffee, a series of short, memorable, observational stories based around the loves and lives of people who visit a city centre coffee shop. (New Writing)
Charlotte's Chocolates – Cavendish Arcade (77) Google Map 11 Jul 3:30pm to 4:30pm Free Review Comments
PSYCHICBREAD - Mark Gwynne Jones
With stories and poems of the Big Bang, a blade of grass, absent friends, one particular lamppost and a girl called Amaryllis: Mark Gwynne Jones and the Psychicbread (‘Inspired…’ Guardian. ‘Astonishing…’ Daily Mail) return with a new show of poetry and music. It’s dramatic, funny, and sometimes startlingly sensitive.
The Palace Hotel – Chatsworth Room (32d) Google Map 16 Jul 3pm to 5pm £10 (Child and Conc £8) Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
THE UNSUNG - Genevieve Carver and The Unsung Funeral Band
You’ve heard of Kurt Cobain. And Jim Morrison. But have you heard of Scott Johnson, or Lina Prokofiev? This 'funeral party for the forgotten heroes of musical history' is a worldwide tour in poetry and sound exploring how music claimed the lives of those who have loved it most. (New Writing)
St Peter's Church – Church (42a) Google Map 18 Jul 7:30pm to 8:30pm Free Review
Further information: theunsungpoetry@gmail.com or 07521 732324 Comments(1)
During the summer of 1915, Vera Brittain, a former resident of Buxton, nursed wounded soldiers returning from the First World War. Come and listen to the recollections that laid the foundations of her life-long pacifism against the backdrop of an Edwardian society full of 'censorious small mindedness'.
University of Derby Buxton – Dome (04c) Google Map 6, 13 & 20 Jul 11am to noon, 2pm to 3pm £8 Review
Bookings via netta@discoverbuxton.co.uk or 07530 457755 Comments(2)
Join Robert Rippon Duke, who transformed Buxton from a village into a Victorian spa town, and Edward Milner, the landscape architect responsible for its Pavilion Gardens, and eavesdrop on A Victorian Conversation in the historic surroundings of the Masonic Hall.
The Masonic Hall, George St (above La Brasserie) (104) Google Map 12 Jul 7pm to 8:15pm £8, Ages 16+ Review
Bookings via netta@discoverbuxton.co.uk or 07530 457755 Comments
Last year the Fringe float won a cup! Join a cast of thousands for the biggest and best free event in the town's calendar. There will be bands, the legendary Billerettes and dozens of decorated floats. Thanks to the Well Dressing and Carnival committee for making this happen.
Around the Town (47) 8 Jul 1pm to 4pm Free Comments
FRINGE AT FIVE - Buxton Festival Fringe
The perfect way to begin your Festival evening; find a bench by the Bandstand in the Pavilion Gardens and be entertained by Fringe singers, musicians, actors, dancers, magicians and storytellers. You may be invited to join in. Who knows? Check at the Fringe information desk for what is happening day-to-day.
Pavilion Gardens – Bandstand (33a) Google Map 10-22 Jul 5pm to 5:30pm Free Review Comments
FRINGE SUNDAY - Buxton Festival Fringe
Our annual party in the sumptuous Pavilion Gardens - a mixture of song, dance, magic and theatre. Free entertainment courtesy of Fringe performers. Bring a picnic, buy a coffee or ice cream, relax and soak up the Buxton Fringe atmosphere.
Pavilion Gardens – Bandstand (33a) Google Map 9 Jul 2pm to 4:30pm Free Comments(1)
The ‘upstart crows’ of The Shakespeare Jukebox return to the Opera House forecourt for another summer of open-air Shakespearean revelry. Make a donation to charity, choose a scene from the Jukebox playlist and challenge our rolling team of actors to feats of memory and dramatic flexibility!
Buxton Opera House Forecourt (08) Google Map 7, 9, 11, 14, 15, 18 & 21, 22 Jul 6pm to 7pm Free Review Comments(1)
Follow Alice down the rabbit hole into a wonderland full of crazy characters and nonsense: meet Humpty Dumpty, the most famous egg in the world, be a guest at the Mad Hatter’s tea party and battle against the mysterious Jabberwocky. Curiouser and curiouser. (New Writing)
Poole's Cavern (34a) Google Map 11-13 Jul 5:30pm to 6:30pm, 7:15pm to 8:15pm, 14 Jul 5:30pm to 6:30pm, 7:15pm to 8:15pm, 8:45pm to 9:45pm, 15 Jul 5:30pm to 6:30pm, 7:15pm to 8:15pm £13.50 (Child and Conc £12), Ages 8+ Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments(2)
AND THE ROPE STILL TUGGING HER FEET - Caroline Burns Cooke/Face to Face Theatre
Inspired by 1984's Kerry Babies scandal. A dark, comic take on a time in Ireland when Bishop Joseph Cassidy said 'the most dangerous place to be... is in the mother's womb.' 'Nuanced and compelling performance.' ***** Fringe Guru. 'A funny, life-affirming piece that bristles with humanity.' ***** The Argus
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 17 Jul 5:30pm to 6:30pm, 18, 19 Jul 4pm to 5pm £8 (Conc £7) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
Gabriel has quit his job in Heaven to play jazz in New Orleans, while a vampire eyes the audience for his next snack. Intimate and engaging cabaret journey through a lifetime of yearning, featuring original songs and a host of quirky characters. 'Tremendously talented and very entertaining.' The Scotsman (New Writing)
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 10 & 12 Jul 10pm to 10:50pm £8 (Conc £7) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
BEEREY - Lois Temel
Welcome to the Beerey household: dad's locked up, daughter's knocked up, mum's fed-up... what's going on? Beerey is a verbatim one-act play telling the true story of one family's fight for justice, and to stand strong together. Honest, raw, funny and heartbreaking. It's all got to be a mistake, right? (New Writing)
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 18 & 20 Jul 7pm to 7:55pm, 21 Jul 4pm to 4:55pm £8 (Conc £7) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
Three 60-minute plays each day: Cat Got My Tongue: a love story about a body and its elusive voice, separated by social anxiety. Being Julie Andrews: a journey from childhood dreams to adult reality. Bonemill: a vegetarian is exiled to a meat-rendering plant. fishhouse (2016’s twice-nominated Cloaks) returns with 'heart-warming, hilarious' theatre. (New Writing)
Lee Wood Hotel (91) Google Map 19-21 Jul 11:30am to 12:30pm, 3:30pm to 4:30pm, 7pm to 8pm £8.50 (Child and Conc £7.50), See flyers and posters for daily performance schedule, Ages 14+ Review
Bookings via Opera House or fishhousetheatre@gmail.com
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments(3)
BETHNAL GREEN - Lucky Dog Theatre Productions
In 1943, 173 people were crushed to death in a Bethnal Green air raid shelter. Fearing a blow to morale, the government suppressed the story until the end of the war. Award-winning Lucky Dog uses survivor and witness testimony to shed light on the worst civilian disaster of the Second World War. (New Writing)
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 15, 16 Jul 2:30pm to 3:30pm £9 (Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
BOUNCERS by John Godber - Sudden Impulse Theatre Company
Sudden Impulse (***** Fringe Guru for Departure Lounge) return to the Fringe to tackle John Godber's cult comedy. Binge drinking, casual sex and violence - one night out at a northern nightclub, told by the people who see it all - the men on the door.
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 17 Jul 8:30pm to 9:30pm, 19, 20 Jul 9:30pm to 10:30pm £9 (Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(5)
CALL MR ROBESON - Grist To The Mill Productions Ltd
This roller coaster journey through Robeson's remarkable and eventful life highlights how his pioneering and heroic political activism led many to describe him as the forerunner of the civil rights movement. It features much fiery oratory and some of his famous songs, including a dramatic rendition of 'Ol' Man River'.
Pavilion Gardens – Rotunda (33k) Google Map 12 Jul 7:15pm to 8:40pm, 14 & 16 Jul 7:30pm to 8:55pm £10 (Child and Conc £8) Review
Bookings via www.rotundatheatre.com or 07487 228993 Comments(1)
DARK SATANIC - Breathe Out Theatre
England, 1823. Tom has left to find work in a Manchester factory, so Helen finds herself managing the farm alone. As the lingering winter bites hard, she starts to realise it isn't only the world that's changing, it's her. Multi award-winning company returns. 'A masterful script.' Fringe Guru on War Stories (New Writing)
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 7 Jul 1pm to 1:45pm, 10 & 17 Jul 4pm to 4:45pm, 21 Jul 1pm to 1:45pm £9 (Conc £8)
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
EDISON - Static Assembly
A love affair with a pigeon, a shakedown with Mark Twain and an erotic brain. This genre-bending, three-act play shows two scientific giants in a new light: Nikola Tesla, troubled genius whose inventions were stolen from under him, and Thomas Edison, infamous crook who to this day gets all the credit.
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 18 & 20 Jul 8pm to 9pm £9 (Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
THE EMPRESS AND ME - Grist To The Mill Productions Ltd
The amazing true story of the Princess Der Ling who having been raised in France to be every bit the Victorian lady, suddenly finds herself living in the Forbidden City, entangled in the politics of the Chinese court and lady-in-waiting to the infamous empress dowager.
Pavilion Gardens – Rotunda (33k) Google Map 9 Jul 6pm to 7pm, 12-14 Jul 1:30pm to 2:30pm, 19 Jul 6pm to 7pm, 20 Jul 3pm to 4pm, 6pm to 7pm, 21 Jul 6pm to 7pm £10 (Child and Conc £8), Ages 14+ Review
Bookings via www.rotundatheatre.com or 07487 228993 Comments
The stories that built Britain. Combining captivating storytelling with traditional and modern folk-song, one actor brings to life a legion of unique characters across a series of artfully retold myths and legends from Celtic Britain. Hilarious, heartbreaking and heroic; a production guaranteed to amaze and enchant. 'Highly recommended!' Shropshire Star (New Writing)
Scrivener's Bookshop (11) Google Map 13, 14 Jul 7pm to 8pm £10 (Child £5, Conc £8), Ages 8+ Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments(1)
GRATIANO - Grist To The Mill Productions Ltd
With Bassanio murdered, Gratiano is forced to revisit his Fascist past. He was never the hero, but he never thought he played the villain. This challenging sequel to William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice explores the politics of prejudice in Mussolini's Italy and the present day. ***** BritishTheatreGuide. **** ThreeWeeks (New Writing)
Pavilion Gardens – Rotunda (33k) Google Map 9 Jul 7:30pm to 8:30pm, 12 Jul 3pm to 4pm, 6pm to 7pm, 13, 14 Jul 6pm to 7pm £10 (Child and Conc £8), Strong language Review
Bookings via www.rotundatheatre.com or 07487 228993 Comments
HATS OFF TO LAUREL AND HARDY - Lucky Dog Theatre Productions
2016's sell-out hit returns. Follow the best-loved comedy duo of all time through their early lives, their rise to international stardom, declining careers and their phoenix-like revival on the stages of Europe. Laugh your socks off before having your heart broken. 'Don't miss this rare treat.' ***** Love Fringe
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 16 Jul 8pm to 9pm £9 (Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
I FOUND MY HORN - Grist To The Mill Productions Ltd
Jonathan Guy Lewis is directed by Harry Burton in a new production of this wryly funny and infinitely touching story about making music and confronting one’s private demons. Adapted from Jasper Rees’ renowned book. 'A wryly funny, infinitely touching account of the joys and hazards of making music'. **** Guardian
Pavilion Gardens – Rotunda (33k) Google Map 7 Jul 3pm to 4:15pm, 7:30pm to 8:45pm, 8 Jul 7:30pm to 8:45pm £12 (Child and Conc £10), Ages 12+
INDISCRETION - Wild Wolfe Productions
1942. The Blitz has been systematically decimating major British cities for two years, but life soldiers drastically, emotionally, anxiously on. Maggie has an illicit hot date tonight, rudely interrupted by suspicious long-time friend Roger. But when he confronts her about the affair, the bombs really start falling... (New Writing)
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 6, 7 & 20 Jul 4pm to 5pm £8 (Conc £7) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(3)
Visual storytelling and poetry, with a Tom Waits-inspired soundtrack and a smattering of weird science. Burlesque maverick Jeu Jeu la Foille fuses original beat poetry with Waitsian tormented lullabies and woozy mythology punctuated with scientific accounts of transorbital lobotomy and featuring a toy shop orchestra of musical reprobates. (New Writing)
Green Man Gallery – Ground Floor Gallery (86a) Google Map 22 Jul 8pm to 9pm Free, Mild horror and partial nudity. Adult themes. Review
Further information: vickyhancock@hotmail.com, at the Gallery, hello@thegreenmangallery.com or 01298 937375 Comments
JUST AN ORDINARY LAWYER - Grist To The Mill Productions Ltd
Tunji Sowande arrived in London from Nigeria in 1945 to become a well-respected barrister, the first black head of Chambers, and then the first black judge in Britain. Tayo Aluko’s tribute mixes politics, music and cricket for a tuneful portrait of a legal pioneer.
Pavilion Gardens – Rotunda (33k) Google Map 13 & 15 Jul 7:30pm to 9pm, 16 Jul 3pm to 4:30pm £10 (Child and Conc £8), Ages 12+ Review
Bookings via 07487 228993 or www.rotundatheatre.com Comments
KING LEAR (ALONE) - inamoment theatre company
A unique opportunity to experience the play King Lear, told through the very mind of the man himself. This new and exciting play dispenses with the other 29 characters in the original play and relives its main themes using Shakespeare’s words.
United Reformed Church – Blue Room (55c) Google Map 13, 14 Jul 8pm to 9:15pm, 15 Jul 3pm to 4:15pm £8 (Child £5, Conc £7), Ages 12+ Review
Bookings via Opera House or inamomenttheatre@gmail.com
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
LABELS - Worklight Theatre
'Powerful, important and funny.' Emma Thompson. Worklight Theatre’s multi award-winning show is a funny, moving and honest story about mixed heritage and immigration. Using humour and honesty, Labels offers a human story from multicultural Britain. Expect paper planes, racist romances and lots of sticky labels! 'Terrific and really thoughtful'. Lyn Gardner, Guardian
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 11 Jul 9:30pm to 10:30pm, 14 Jul 1pm to 2pm, 16 Jul 9:30pm to 10:30pm £9 (Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
A gripping and powerful account of the infamous, alleged axe murderer Lizzie Borden as remembered by the family maid. Laced with black humour and shocking revelations, it is preceded by a short companion piece about another dark family secret.
The Palace Hotel – Haddon Room (32b) Google Map 21, 22 Jul 7:15pm to 8:15pm £8.50 (Conc £7.50), Some swearing Review
Bookings via Opera House or 07736 704664
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments(2)
THE LADDER by Helen Rutter - Helen Rutter
Winner of Fringe Award for Female Actor 2016 returns with a powerful, funny one-woman play.
While stuck up a ladder, Helen discovers new things about herself, her relationship and who she wants to be. A new play about vulnerability, relationships and pain. 'Awed, hushed silences followed by a killer punchline.' Guardian (New Writing)
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 7 Jul 5:45pm to 6:35pm, 9 & 13 Jul 8:15pm to 9:05pm, 17 Jul 5:45pm to 6:35pm £9 (Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
Award-winning REC Youth Theatre returns with an adaptation of William Golding's modern classic. Following a plane crash, a group of children find themselves alone on a desert island. The adventure descends into a vicious nightmare of their own making in this exploration of the darker side of human nature.
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 17 Jul 4:15pm to 5:15pm, 18-20 Jul 6:30pm to 7:30pm £9 (Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
A grand new contemporary adaptation of Mozart's opera The Marriage Of Figaro, blending the timeless classical story with modern pop, electronica and Kim Kardashian. A biting satire of the high/low cultural divide and the melodrama of love in art. 'A remarkably imaginative and lovingly constructed piece of theatre.' Cherwell
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 6 Jul 6:15pm to 7:30pm, 13 & 18 Jul 9:30pm to 10:45pm £9 (Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM - Black Box Theatre Company
It is Midsummer, four young lovers are wrapped in the dream-like arms of an enchanted forest and mischievous spirits rule. While a feuding Fairy King and Queen are at war, their paths are crossed by Bottom, Quince and friends presenting a play within a play. Shakespeare’s most beguiling comedy.
Pavilion Gardens – Rotunda (33k) Google Map 15 & 22 Jul 3pm to 4:30pm £10 (Child and Conc £8) Review
Bookings via www.rotundatheatre.com Comments
REC Theatre's award-winning Junior Company presents a communication cacophony, a fully charged-up chorus line of chaos in a rhapsody of text, tweet and gabble. A fast-paced ensemble piece about that little device we hold in our hands. Please do not switch off your mobile phones.
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 11, 12 Jul 8pm to 9pm, 19 Jul 5pm to 6pm £9 (Child £5, Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
MONSTER - Worklight Theatre
What happens when the red mist descends? Anger is universal, so how do some contain it, while others lash out with devastating consequences? Thrilling new performance about violence and toxic masculinity, from internationally acclaimed Worklight Theatre, written and performed by Joe Sellman-Leava (winner: Fringe First, Labels). Director: Yaz Al-Shaater.
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 13 Jul 7pm to 8pm, 14, 15 Jul 5:30pm to 6:30pm £8 (Conc £7)
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
Often overlooked as a feminist, writer and mother, Constance Lloyd is more often remembered as the wife of the infamous Oscar Wilde. Now her untold story comes to life. Sell-out show and nominated Female Actor Award at Buxton Fringe 2016. 'Beautifully balanced... compelling viewing.' **** Fringe Guru
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 6 Jul 8pm to 9pm, 11 Jul 4:30pm to 5:30pm, 19 Jul 8pm to 9pm £9 (Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(4)
MRS ROOSEVELT FLIES TO LONDON - Hint of Lime Productions
Granted special permission from the Roosevelt Estate, Alison Skilbeck's one-woman show explores the public and hidden life of one of the 20th century's most extraordinary women, from wartime London to her last days during the Cuban Missile Crisis. An unhappy child, an unconventional wife, and 'First Lady of the World'.
Pavilion Gardens – Rotunda (33k) Google Map 20 Jul 7:30pm to 8:45pm, 21 Jul 3pm to 4:15pm, 7:30pm to 8:45pm, 22 Jul 7:30pm to 8:45pm £10 (Child and Conc £8) Review
Bookings via www.rotundatheatre.com or 07487 228993 Comments(1)
In a delightfully funny series of two-person plays, Nature Knows Best looks at love and life through the eyes of a seagull duo, a couple of seahorses and a pair of sheep. Each play humorously portrays man’s effect on the natural world and the creatures in it. (New Writing)
Buxton Community School – Drama Studio (02a) Google Map 20, 21 Jul 7:30pm to 8:30pm £8 (Child £5, Conc £6.50), Mild reference to sex, Ages 12+ Review
Bookings via tictactheatre@yahoo.co.uk Comments
NONSENSE & SENSIBILITY by Tom Crawshaw - Anonymous is a Woman and Three's Company
It is a truth universally acknowledged that any Fringe worth its salt must be in want of an Austen-themed farce. Well, pop on your bonnets and jump in the barouche-box: that is exactly what's on offer! 2016's corset-splitting sell-out hit returns, uncovering Austen's long-lost (and strangely dinosaur-themed) theatrical work.
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 15 Jul 4:15pm to 5:05pm, 16 Jul 7pm to 7:50pm £9 (Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
Tom returns from the war to the arms of his grateful mother and fiancée - and to the bosom of the pit. George fights his own battles and an election. Connie mourns, loves and unites and Lizzie sees a new world.
United Reformed Church – Green Room: Hall (55b) Google Map 19 Jul 7:30pm to 9:15pm £8 Review
Bookings via Opera House or 07747 014895
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
PEER GYNT by Henrik Ibsen, adapted by Gruffdog Theatre - Gruffdog Theatre
Deep in the mountains, the irrepressible Peer dreams of becoming emperor of the world. From the peaks of Norway to the streets of Egypt, he learns what it means to be at war with trolls. A thrilling new adaptation of Ibsen's classic, featuring puppetry, music and movement. 'Electric.' ***** Cherwell
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 10 Jul 8pm to 9:10pm, 11, 12 Jul 6:15pm to 7:25pm £9 (Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
Three 30-minute plays, three dramatic conclusions. Captive: a woman is convinced that a ghost holds her captive. Chess For Princes, Not For Kings: on a battlefield, chess between princes is not just a game. Extant 1918: before battle, two soldiers must face the secret truth that both binds and divides them. (New Writing)
Burbage Institute, Nursery Lane, Buxton SK17 6UL (53) Google Map 8, 9 Jul 7:30pm to 9:30pm £8 (Child and Conc £6), Adult themes, Ages 12+ Review
Bookings via Opera House or cliffheaton@ymail.com or 07914 667397
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
PERSUASION TRANSPOSED - Nonesuch Theatre Company
Anne Elliot! There are two of them in this quirky re-working of Austen’s Persuasion. The two Annes, at 19 and 27, bicker about blame and disappointment and dip into despair. But, hey, it’s romance with a happy ending – unless some realities of Georgian life raise their ugly heads. (New Writing)
Buxton Community School – Drama Studio (02a) Google Map 12-14 Jul 7:30pm to 8:45pm, 15, 16 Jul 2pm to 3:15pm £10 (Child and Conc £8), Ages 12+ Review
Bookings via Opera House or ray.b.sutton4@outlook.com
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments(1)
PLAY TIME - Of Mice Theatre
Elton has a strange new friend, but when they're mixed up in an incident that leaves a boy in hospital, both their futures are on the line. It's a lot to deal with when you're only nine. Heart-warming musical comedy from award-winning company. 'Sophisticated and well-worked comedy.' **** Fringe Guru (New Writing)
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 5 & 10 Jul 7pm to 7:55pm, 11 Jul 5:30pm to 6:25pm £8 (Conc £7) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
PORNOGRAPHY - Theatre In A Bottle
The Olympics have just been awarded to London. It is a time of celebration; a time of coming together, yet in this capital city, amidst the labyrinthine tube tunnels where lives intersect and connections are made, the people seem more isolated than ever.
Green Man Gallery – Workshop Room (86b) Google Map 7 Jul 8:30pm to 9:30pm, 8 Jul 6:30pm to 7:30pm £8 (Conc £5), Adult themes, strong language, Ages 16+
THE PRETTY ONE (AND OTHER THINGS THAT NEED TO BE SAID) - Cameryn Moore/Little Black Book Productions
Cameryn Moore (of Phone Whore and slut (r)evolution fame) returns to Buxton with a multi-character monologue gallery exploring sexuality and the human spirit. Inspired by the lives that intersect her own work, it lays bare the liberation and heartbreak that co-exist in the souls of us all.
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 6 & 8 Jul 7pm to 8pm, 11 & 17 Jul 8:30pm to 9:30pm £8 (Conc £7) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
A musical play from award-winning Arletty Theatre about the magical power of stories. Tomorrow Quilter will become homeless, there's a stranger lurking in the study and the rose garden's full of Facebook campaigners. She really needs help! How do you raise an army when you're alone on the battlefield?
(New Writing)
United Reformed Church – Purple Room: Church (55a) Google Map 21-23 Jul 8pm to 10pm £10 (Child and Conc £8), Ages 12+ Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
SHAFTED - Marde Hen Productions
Paul Greatorex returns to the mining village in south Derbyshire for his mother's funeral and the 30-year argument with his father, Jack, a former pit deputy. The old man could never understand why his son took strike action and Paul cannot comprehend why his father did not. (New Writing)
The Palace Hotel – Haddon Room (32b) Google Map 15 Jul 3pm to 4:30pm, 7:30pm to 9pm £10, Strong language, Ages 16+ Review
Bookings via mardehenproductions@hotmail.com Comments
SOUTH AFRICAN GUMBOOT DANCE - Stimela 'The Gumboot' Musical
This celebration of song and dance is an international phenomenon that has swept across the globe like a tidal wave of soaring voices and stomping feet.
Pavilion Gardens – Rotunda (33k) Google Map 5, 6 Jul 9pm to 10pm £10 (Child £8)
Don your frontiersman's helmet for this comedic journey to the black heart of the earth's ecological crisis. There you will see uncanny landscapes, Norman cows, and perhaps, if you are lucky, you may just meet three post-human women from far-flung countries who are stuck. In the muck. WTF.
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 12 Jul 5:45pm to 6:45pm, 13, 14 Jul 4pm to 5pm £8 (Conc £7) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
An ocarina, a ukulele and a thirst for revenge. Lecoq-trained Edward Day battles four decades of videogame nostalgia in an explosion of Shakespeare, video projection and 16-bit mayhem. Plus workshop: Clowning with Shakespeare, July 15th, Green Man Gallery upstairs, 2-4pm, £10, age 16+ (New Writing)
Green Man Gallery – Ground Floor Gallery (86a) Google Map 14 Jul 6pm to 7pm, 17 & 19 Jul 6:30pm to 7:30pm £10 (Conc £8), Contains cartoon violence, Ages 10+ Review
Bookings via the Gallery, hello@thegreenmangallery.com or 01298 937375 Comments(1)
TAKING FLIGHT SHOWCASE - Grist To The Mill Productions Ltd
A showcase of writing from the perspective of the British East Asian, South Asian and South East Asian communities. Sometimes funny, sometimes poignant, always entertaining. A treat for all the family. Includes, among many others, Ketchup, Hema and Anjali and The Empress and Me. See www.rotundatheatre.com for performance details.
Pavilion Gardens – Rotunda (33k) Google Map 12-14 & 19-21 Jul 1:30pm to 2:30pm £5, Ages 12+
Which is worse, the threat of OFSTED or zombie invasion? Does the school insurance policy cover Armageddon? Will it affect this year's SATs results? The Zombie Teacher has all the answers in a show that will appeal to anyone with an interest in primary education... or zombies.
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 6 & 13 Jul 5:45pm to 6:30pm, 21, 22 Jul 2:30pm to 3:15pm £8 (Conc £7) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
THROBBING MEMBER - Anonymous Is A Woman
Louise is a Conservative aide with more talent for erotic fiction than political spin, but it's hard denying the housing crisis when you're sofa surfing because you can't afford London rents. Featuring live piano and karaoke, a sing-a-long political memoir that's more Fifty Shades than West Wing. Director: Yaz Al-Shaater.
(New Writing)
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 19, 20 Jul 5:30pm to 6:30pm, 22 Jul 7pm to 8pm £9 (Conc £8)
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments
TOMORROW IS YOUR HOPE - The Keeper's Daughter
In a utopian productropolis where emotion is wasteful, two enamoured individuals must escape the city limits and brave a broken world if they wish to be together. Tomorrow Is Your Hope is packed with exhilarating movement, witty dialogue, striking Eighties' influenced animation and a score from indie electro band Outfit. (New Writing)
Underground at the Arts Centre Studio (74a) Google Map 6 Jul 9:30pm to 10:30pm, 7 Jul 8:45pm to 9:45pm, 9 Jul 9:30pm to 10:30pm £9 (Conc £8)
THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER - Grist To The Mill Productions Ltd
Jack stayed on when the guns fell silent, to search the battlefields for the boys that could not go home - for the dead and the missing, for both enemy and friend, for he has a promise to keep and a debt to repay. ***** ThreeWeeks. ***** FringeGuru. **** Scotsman
Pavilion Gardens – Rotunda (33k) Google Map 5 Jul 6pm to 7pm, 6 Jul 3pm to 4pm, 6pm to 7pm, 7 & 16 Jul 6pm to 7pm £10 (Child and Conc £8), Adult themes Review
Bookings via www.rotundatheatre.com or 07487 228993 Comments(2)
VINCENT RIVER by Philip Ridley - Sudden Impulse Theatre Company
When Vincent is murdered, Anita must confront her son's secret life. Hounded from her neighbourhood, can she find the answers she's looking for in the mysterious young man who appears to be stalking her? Philip Ridley's searing drama takes aim at homophobia and hate crime with breathtaking honesty.
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 18 Jul 5:30pm to 6:30pm, 19, 20 Jul 2:30pm to 3:30pm £9 (Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
WAITING FOR GANDALF - Chris Neville-Smith
Meet Kevin Brook, self-confessed fan of all things Lord of the Rings. On the night before 'Gandalf' signs a new movie companion book, Kevin waits for his idol. But what's the real reason for his devotion? 'A nuanced, sympathetic performance.' **** Julia French, Broadway Baby. 'Dark-as-hell.' Richard Stamp, FringeGuru
United Reformed Church – Blue Room (55c) Google Map 18, 19 Jul 8:30pm to 9:30pm Free, Some upsetting themes Review
Further information: Entry is free - but donations will go to charity Comments
WATCH THIS. LOVE ME. IT'S DEEP by Nathan Cassidy - The Rat Pack Productions Ltd/Nathan Cassidy
Sir Michael Caine Award-winning writer and Buxton Fringe Individual Comedy winner returns with a one-man theatre show. A perfect love story in a swimming pool. It's deep. 'A human adventure that is drenched in hilarity. Brilliantly funny and insightful.' ***** The Audience Club. www.nathancassidy.com/deep
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 7 & 9 Jul 7pm to 7:55pm £8 (Conc £7) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(1)
WE LOST ELIJAH - Shadow Syndicate
It was Malachi's job to get Elijah through the riots and home safely. Somehow, they didn't make it home together. Did Elijah get caught up in events or was there another reason for his disappearance? Gripping, tense and thrilling production from Young Production and Young Actor Fringe Award winners.
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 14 Jul 2:30pm to 3:25pm, 17 Jul 7pm to 7:55pm, 18 Jul 1pm to 1:55pm £9 (Conc £8) Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Further concessions available. Comments(2)
Audiences attending will be asked to assist psychiatrist Margarita Upshot to coax Brian Blatherwick back to reality. In this musical comedy with original music from Sounds Bizarre, you will meet Brian's offbeat girlfriends and discover what led to Brian's comatose state. (New Writing)
Green Man Gallery – Ground Floor Gallery (86a) Google Map 12 & 20 Jul 7:30pm to 9:15pm £8 (Child and Conc £5) Review
Bookings via the Gallery, hello@thegreenmangallery.com or 01298 937375 Comments(2)
2017 ART EXHIBITION - Burbage Art Group
This year's bumper exhibition runs for an extra hour! A Fringe fixture, it boasts a high standard of work including watercolours, oils, collages, textiles and more, with its talented artists increasingly enjoying wider recognition. Free cakes, refreshments and children’s quiz. The group meets weekly and welcomes newcomers including beginners.
Burbage Institute, Nursery Lane, Buxton SK17 6UL (53) Google Map 15 Jul 11am to 4pm Free, Part of the Buxton Art Trail. Further information: 01538 266220. Review Comments
BUXTON ART TRAIL 2017 - Buxton Art Trail
Announcing the fourth Buxton Bienniale! Take the trail and discover an exciting range of contemporary and traditional arts and crafts. Works by amateur and professional artists from Buxton and beyond at venues all around the town. See the BAT brochure with map.
Around the Town (47) 15, 16 Jul 11am to 6pm Free Review
Further information: buxtonarttrail.com/contact-us/ Comments(3)
Buxton Photo Challenge is back! This is a photo marathon - a photography competition unlike any other. It’s more of a photographic adventure challenging entrants to take six photos on six topics in six hours in Buxton. Judges will pick winners based on creativity, spontaneity, inventiveness and humour.
Old Clubhouse – Downstairs (21b) Google Map 22 Jul 10am to 4pm £5 (Child £3) Review
Tickets on the door. Comments
DERBYSHIRE H₂O - High Peak Artists
Water, water everywhere… especially here in Derbyshire! Exhibition by established, award-winning High Peak Artists group. Paintings, printmaking, ceramics, textiles, glass and jewellery all depicting water in many forms – streams, waterfalls, rivers, rain, limestone erosion, springs, wells, water mills, water sports, life under water, villages under water and more…
Pavilion Gardens – The Art Cafe (33f) Google Map 5-23 Jul 10am to 4:30pm Free, Part of the Buxton Art Trail Review Comments
DERBYSHIRE OPEN 2017 - Buxton Museum and Art Gallery
The annual Derbyshire Open attracts amateur and professional artists of all ages competing for a range of prizes and a place in the museum collection. Now in its 35th year, the resulting exhibition is the highlight of our summer programme.
Buxton Museum and Art Gallery (07) Google Map 5-7 Jul 9:30am to 5:30pm, 8 Jul 9:30am to 5pm, 9 Jul 10:30am to 5pm, 11-14 Jul 9:30am to 5:30pm, 15 Jul 9:30am to 5pm, 16 Jul 10:30am to 5pm, 18-21 Jul 9:30am to 5:30pm, 22 Jul 9:30am to 5pm, 23 Jul 10:30am to 5pm Free, Part of the Buxton Art Trail Review
Further information: buxton.museum@derbyshire.gov.uk Comments(1)
A singular micro-exhibition in Buxton's newest, smallest and coolest space – The Buxton Festival Fridge. A new artist each week curates a finely distilled display of just three works, inside an old brewer’s industrial fridge. Fine art for the Twitter generation. Some works for sale. Full info at: underthefringe.com/freezer
Underground at The Old Clubhouse – Buxton Festival Fridge (21a) Google Map 6 Jul 3:30pm to 10:30pm, 7-9 Jul 1pm to 10:30pm, 10 Jul 3:30pm to 10:30pm, 11-14 Jul 1pm to 10:30pm, 15, 16 Jul 11:30am to 10:30pm, 17 Jul 3:30pm to 10:30pm, 18-21 Jul 1pm to 10:30pm, 22 Jul 11:30am to 10:30pm, 23 Jul 1pm to 5pm Free, Part of the Buxton Art Trail Review
Further information: underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Comments
THE GREAT DOME ART FAIR - Peak District Artisans
Browse and buy from a huge range of outstanding art and design direct from PDA’s members at our award-winning annual exhibition. Meet our newest members and enjoy our popular talks and demonstrations, and unique Artists’ Original Postcard Raffle.
University of Derby Buxton – Dome (04c) Google Map 21 Jul 6:30pm to 8:30pm, 22, 23 Jul 10am to 4:30pm Free Review Comments(1)
LOUISE JANNETTA FINE ART - Louise Jannetta Gallery & Studio
For a more intimate meet-the-artist opportunity, former Fringe Award winner Louise Jannetta is opening up her gallery and studio packed with new works.
Awards: visual arts event winner 2011, nominated 2013 and 2016. Nominated for Visual Artist 2010 and 2013.
Louise Jannetta Art Studio (rear of 24 Dale Rd) (14) Google Map 6-8, 13-15 & 20-22 Jul 10am to 4pm Free, Part of the Buxton Art Trail Review Comments
WILDNESS AND WET - The Green Man Gallery
'Oh let them be left, the wildness and wet. Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet.' Gerard Manley Hopkins. An intriguing group exhibition inspired by the wild and watery, local landscape. Includes paintings, drawings, photography, print-making, mixed media and textiles.
Green Man Gallery (86) Google Map 5 Jul 6:30pm to 8:30pm, 6-23 Jul 10:30am to 5:30pm Free, Part of the Buxton Art Trail Review
Further information: hello@thegreenmangallery.com Comments
An audio visual feast of shared memories from the Present from the Past project. Buxton residents recall events and entertainment in the town from the era of Glenn Miller to Y Not via Fiddle Hell. (New Writing)
The Palace Hotel – Chatsworth Room (32d) Google Map 7 & 14 Jul 7pm to 8:30pm £5, Ages 11+ Review
Bookings via Opera House
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments(1)
Brooklyn Brewery brings NY to Monk for an epic evening of delicious beers, games and live music. Join Brooklyn’s Chris Moore at 8pm for a guided tasting session, or taste your own way through any of Brooklyn’s 10+ legendary craft beers, with Easy Feet getting your feet hopping.
Monk Cocktail Bar (49) Google Map 5 Jul 7pm to 1am Free, Ages 18+ Review
Further information: 8pm Tasting session ticket £15 Comments
Undoubtedly the Fringe's coolest experience. Unique and intimate micro-performances in an actual disused industrial fridge - featuring the most chilled (and chilling) picks from across the festival. Three-minute shows, for three people, for three pounds... from 3pm every day! All proceeds to Shelter. Full info and line-up: underthefringe.com/fridge (New Writing)
Underground at The Old Clubhouse – Buxton Festival Fridge (21a) Google Map 7-22 Jul 3pm to 7pm £3 Review
Bookings via underthefringe.com Info: 0208 144 0070. Comments(1)
Celebrating Queer Buxton (LGBT+ and all our friends!) with a picnic of gracefulness, silliness and frivolous strength. Bring your own exquisite nibbles, an umbrella or parasol if appropriate, and join us on the lawn. Add a poem to read, an elegant dress or simply your own wonderful self.
Pavilion Gardens – Old Bowling Green (33e) Google Map 22 Jul 3pm to 6pm Free Review Comments
Casamigos brings Mexico to Monk for an evening of incredible tequila, awesome cocktails and live music.
Join Brand Ambassador Sam Plummer from 7.30pm for a tequila masterclass alongside a tasting of Casamigos (ticket £12), and/or join the party from 8.30pm with Easy Feet getting your tequila-soaked toes tapping!
Monk Cocktail Bar (49) Google Map 19 Jul 7:30pm to 1am Free, Ages 18+ Review
Further information: 7:30pm Tequila talk and tasting session £12 Comments
CHELMORTON FESTIVAL - Chelmorton Villagers
Chelmorton village hosts a full week of events with exhibitions, evening events, a village fair on the Saturday and more. New this year are a stone walling course and a quilt exhibition, while our regular crime writers' panel is spearheaded by the well-known local writer, Stephen Booth. Venues include the church, The Church Inn as well as the Institute.
Chelmorton Institute, Chelmorton SK17 9SH (80) Google Map 10 Jul 10:30am to 10:30pm, 9pm to 10:30pm, 11 Jul 10:30am to 7:30pm, 12 Jul 10:30am to 9:30pm, 7:30pm to 9:30pm, 13-15 Jul 10:30am to 6:30pm, Prices and times of individual events vary. Bookings via www.chelmortonvillage.org.uk Review Comments
Cupid and the King explores the lusty, rancid world of English kings and their mistresses from the gay lovers of James I to the 'people’s mistress', Nell Gwynne, with period readings and music from the Tudors and Stuarts. Be prepared for bawdy, no holds barred, language and adult content.
United Reformed Church – Green Room: Hall (55b) Google Map 14 Jul 7:30pm to 9pm. Spring Bank Arts Centre, New Mills SK22 4BH (62) Google Map 15 Jul 7:30pm to 9pm £10 (Conc £8), Adult themes and very strong 17th-century language, Ages 18+ Review
Bookings via Opera House or sue@pierssnell.force9.co.uk or 07938 916 976
Direct Opera House Online Booking Comments
A writing workshop focusing on playing with form and style in poetry, run by Creative Writing graduate Blythe Aimson. Whether you’re a beginner at writing poetry, or looking to experiment and grow, there’s something for everyone. (Spaces are limited so please book in advance).
Green Man Gallery – Workshop Room (86b) Google Map 14 Jul 3pm to 5pm £5, Some material may not be suitable for under 16s, Ages 16+ Review
Bookings via the Gallery, hello@thegreenmangallery.com or 01298 937375 Comments
FRINGE 2017 AWARDS - Buxton Festival Fringe
Join us at The Rotunda on the Old Bowling Green to celebrate all that has caught the ears and eyes of judges and reviewers at this year's Fringe. We'll be aiming to recognise all that was freshest and most exciting. Mingle from 1.30pm and the award-giving starts at 2pm.
Pavilion Gardens – Rotunda (33k) Google Map 23 Jul 1:30pm to 3pm Free, Open to entrants, Fringe Friends and by invitation Comments
Join us for the official launch of the 2017 Buxton Festival Fringe, at Underground's new base above The Old Clubhouse. Catch preview performances from across the Fringe, mingle with the stars and help us toast the 38th Festival Fringe! No booking required - just come along!
Underground at The Old Clubhouse (21) Google Map 4 Jul 8pm to midnight Free
Further information: 0208 144 0070. More details: underthefringe.com Comments
MEET THE MUSEUM EXPERTS - Buxton Museum and Art Gallery
Explore the museum and its collections more widely in these brief talks by heritage specialists from Derbyshire and further afield. Pick up a programme at the museum, the Fringe box office or online for a list of speakers. Winner of Other Events, Buxton Festival Fringe 2016.
Buxton Museum and Art Gallery (07) Google Map 11-16 & 18-23 Jul 1pm to 2pm Free Review
Further information: buxton.museum@derbyshire.gov.uk Comments(1)
THE SPRINGS BOOK SWAP - The Springs Shopping Centre
Situated in the heart of the shopping centre. Exchange one of your old books for any of those donated to the exchange. Bring along any books you have finished with and pick up another, plus why not stop and read them inside the exchange and discuss books with other visitors?
The Springs Shopping Centre (38b) Google Map 10-15 Jul 9am to 5:30pm, 16 Jul 10am to 4pm, 17-22 Jul 9am to 5:30pm, 23 Jul 10am to 4pm Free Review Comments
WORLD FRINGE DAY - Buxton Festival Fringe
Edinburgh Fringe was founded 70 years ago and today Fringes all over the world are celebrating. Join us for a pot pourri of readings, talks, music, comedy, theatre, art and film in The Pump Room at the heart of England's leading spa town! Event details from the Fringe Desk.
The Pump Room (84) Google Map 11 Jul 11am to 10pm Free Comments