Fringe Awards Policy

Although we are an entirely open Festival and make no selection of entries we still feel it is right to recognise excellence and we do this through our reviews and Fringe Awards.

Please note: we make our decisions about the awards on the final Sunday morning of the Fringe. Therefore entries whose only performances are on the last day of the Fringe will unfortunately be ineligible for an award. Visual Arts judging usually happens on the last Saturday afternoon of the Fringe.

We publish a list of potential awards below. However, we reserve the right not to make an award on this list and to create an award not listed should circumstances so require. Please note there have been some recent changes to categorisation in the past few years: Children's Events replacing For Families and And More... replaces Other Events.

Awards are decided by an experienced panel of local judges including the Fringe chair and Fringe committee members. The judges take into account Fringe reviews, any reviews from other publications/sources and audience feedback among other factors.


We will announce which awards we are making at the beginning of the awards ceremony.

We will also encourage audience members to give feedback on events through the website and the Fringe Desk.

All nominations will receive a certificate. All award winners will receive a certificate and free entry to the following year's Fringe (with the exception of the John Beecher prize). An award made to an individual can be applied by them to any one entry which involves them; most awards will go to groups and will apply to the group. Free entry is not transferable. If free entry cannot be taken up in the following year it can be deferred to the year after.

We hope that this award policy will reward excellence and encourage its return to enhance another Fringe.

The awards ceremony will take place on the last Sunday afternoon of the Fringe and is open to entrants, committee members and Fringe Friends only. For timngs and venue please see Awards listing under Fringe in the Fringe programme.

The results will be published on the website by the Monday morning after the ceremony.

Events will automatically be elegible for awards. If for any reason an entrant would not like their event to be considered in the awards process we ask that they contact the entries co-ordinator to discuss this.